Golfer’s Lift To Save Back

These days I was scanning through Low Back Disorders of Dr. Stuart McGill. The author is world-renowned expert in spine function, injury prevention, and rehabilitation. I highly recommend watching videos with him on YouTube. And this book does not only provide tons of data about back pain but also is a very thought-provoking and educational resource for everybody who wants to understand how the spine works, how to design healthy exercise practice, which exercises should be avoided etc.

The Hack Of The Day

Golfer’s Lift

a technique which is recommended for lifting light objects. It avoids flexing spine in lumbar area which is a common culprit of spine injury. Don’t think it’s only for people with back pain. It’s for all people who want to use the human body as it was designed.

golfer's lift to save back

Golfer’s Lift Video Explanation

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