Hip Bones Not Aligned – TRY THIS! – 4-Week Program

Together with the sacrum and coccyx, the hip bones form the pelvis.

If you don’t have proper alignment of your body (hip bones, knees, feet etc.), than you’ll get good chances to live a long life provided decent nutrition and genetics. But if you run, go to gym, do yoga, pilates or any other activities WHICH YOU THINK IS HEALTHY and your body is not aligned properly, than you just shorten up the longevity of your life through wear and tear.

hip bones not aligned

This program is elaborated by Maryann Berry and the full description of every week can be found here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

Pelvic Alignment 4-week Program

Start a weekly log where you write down how you feel on a weekly basis, and rate your pain or tightness on a scale of one to ten, with one being the least pain and ten being the worst.

Do the exercises on a daily basis in the morning. You want to straighten your body before you go about your day.




Don’t forget to read about effective technique to release Psoas muscle.

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