Home Remedies For Night Cramps

Cramps, or muscle spasms, are very common problems. It is not only a problem of the older people. Athletes or people who, for whatever reason, must practice high-intensity physical activity may suffer from cramps if they don’t have essential minerals.

Cramps suddenly appear for several seconds, or even several minutes. They are an involuntary contractions of one or more muscles, usually those of the legs, and more rarely those of other body parts.

home remedies for night cramps charley horse

Cramps often appear during the night, interrupting the sleep and decreasing the quality of the rest of the person who suffer from them. Experts tell us that they might be caused by an excess of physical activity, loss of liquids and mineral salts, and changes related to aging.

Cramps are often short in duration, but they can also last for a long time in some cases, after a sudden movement or because of the unchanging position for a long time.

Fortunately, there are various natural home remedies that help to avoid their occurrence and possible complications they may cause.

Take note!

Home Remedies Against Night Cramps (Charley Horse)

A smoothie with red beetroot and apple against cramps

The beetroot and apple smoothie is a healthy beverage with a high content of essential minerals excellent for our muscular health.

It is particularly recommended for athletes or people who are engaged in high-intensity physical activity.

home remedies for leg cramps - charley horse

In addition, it is a diuretic and anti-inflammatory remedy that helps control the cramps associated with water retention and circulatory problems.


3 sprigs of celery
1 apple
1 red beetroot
1/2 glass of water (4 oz)

Put all the ingredients in a juice extractor, then put them all in a blender. Consume this smoothie one to two hours before going to bed.

Infusion of ginkgo biloba

The diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of ginkgo biloba infusion make this remedy a natural relaxant, ideal for preventing and fighting nocturnal cramps.


3 spoonfuls of ginkgo biloba (30 g)
1 cup water (250 mL)

Put the water to boil and, when it reaches a boil, add the spoonfuls of ginkgo biloba. Let cook on low heat for three minutes, then remove the pan from the heat. Wait until the decoction reaches a supportable temperature, pass it in a Chinese and then drink it. Drink one to two cups a day.

A beverage with honey and apple vinegar

The loss of control over the pH of the blood is often the cause of the recurrence of nocturnal muscle spasms.

It prevents a good distribution of minerals while facilitating the oxygenation of the muscles.

This honey and apple vinegar drink has alkaline substances that will help you rebalance the pH of your body.


1 spoonful of honey
1 spoonful of apple vinegar (half an ounce)
1 cup water (8 0z)

Dilute the spoonful of honey and apple vinegar in a cup of hot water. Drink one cup of this mixture on an empty stomach, then another before going to bed.

Milk, honey and lemon anti-cramp remedy

The mix of milk, honey and lemon will make a relaxing remedy, ideal to prevent the appearance of nocturnal cramps.

charley horse in calf at night remedy

Its properties will help you to decrease your muscle tension while helping you to find a deep sleep.


1 glass of milk (8 oz)
1 spoonful of honey (half an ounce)
1 teaspoon of lemon (0.17 oz)

Put the milk to heat, then mix it with a spoonful of honey and lemon juice. Let the mixture sit, then consume it before going to bed.

Nettle anti-cramp infusion

Nettle infusion is a diuretic drink that promotes the elimination of fluids retained in the tissues of your body.

Regularly consumption helps muscles to relax, it also decreases inflammation and prevents spasms.


2 spoonfuls of dried nettle (1 oz)
34 oz of water (1 liter)

Pour dried leaves of nettle into a liter of water, then bring to the boil for 5 minutes. Once the mixture has sat, filter and then drink up to three cups a day.

Massages with horse chestnut

Horse chestnut is an extremely popular product due to its ability to improve blood circulation, relax the legs and reduce contractures.

Use extracts of horse chestnut with a little olive oil, in order to carry out a therapeutic massage.


5 drops of horse chestnut extract
1 spoonful of olive oil (half an ounce)

Combine the two ingredients and use them to make gentle circular massage of the leg muscles. You can do this preventively, before going to bed, or apply it during the first signs of discomfort.

Keep in mind that these remedies are only supplements. You have to adopt a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet, as well as a routine of physical exercises.

Dr. Berg About Night Cramps

Here is a bit more in-depth explanation of cramp possible reasons.