Somatic Exercises To Release Tension In The Whole Body

Check out this great exercise. You’ll benefit from this method greatly.

It was developed by Thomas Hanna (see the second video) and now is referred to as “somatics” or “clinical somatics”.

If you do yoga or pilates try to do this before your session. If you don’t – you’ll still benefit from this tremendously.

 Thomas Hanna: Unlocking Your Body

According to Thomas Hanna, many of the effects of aging — aching muscles and joints, stooped posture, stiffness and weakness — are unnecessary and reversible. These problems are not due to structural weaknesses in the body but to sensory-motor amnesia which can be corrected. He demonstrates several reflex responses which can become locked into the human body under conditions of stress. He then demonstrates a process whereby we can become aware of previously unconscious muscle contractions. By establishing conscious awareness, we can then relax muscle groups which have been “permanently” contracted for years.



Full 87-minute time DVD can be purchased. Check this product reviews, however.

If you liked this approach, then check out this article:

Constructive Rest Position