Core Flexibility – The Scorpion Exercise

Perry Nickelson demonstrates the Scorpion Exercise. It increases power, speed, strength, flexibility, mobility and prevents injury. Great overall exercise for any athlete or fitness enthusiast.

scorpion exercise benefits

The more you do it, the more comfortable you feel. Start from doing 5 reps, work your way down to doing up to 10-12 reps. 2-3 times a week is enough. Do it before exercise after doing some warm up.

Don’t do it as a warm-up!

Watch video from 3:43 for a correct execution explanation if you want to skip watching a theory behind this exercise.

This is, by the way, a great method to relax your suffering psoas by contracting glutes. Glutes are antagonists of psoas muscles, so contracting the glutes will automatically relax psoas muscles by the means of reciprocal inhibition.

Scorpion Exercise Video

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